Behind the scenes





Real Estate Broker Mr. Phillip Miller of Ny York Big Sun Realty



sarasota-florida-ny-big-sun-realtyHouses are built with concrete  block and steel , they are energy efficient which  means you have lower utility bills , and they  are built to  withstand a category 4 Hurricane.



Mr Miller


Mr . Miller



Mr. Miller on location in Winter Haven Orlando   Florida




Inside the bedrooms of one of the homes built

She called Phillp up and took the trip to Florida and purchased her land.

She called Phillp up and took the trip to Florida and purchased her land.

This is the kitchen of one of the homes built

This is the kitchen of one of the homes built

She is enjoying the lifestyle that Sarasota Florida has to offer

She is enjoying the lifestyle that Sarasota Florida has to offer

He called up Mr. Phillp Miller from Alberta Canada , saw a phone presentation, took the trip to Sarasota to see the land for himself, and now he is a proud land owner with plans of building a home in the future.

He called up Mr. Phillp Miller from Alberta Canada , saw a phone presentation, took the trip to Sarasota to see the land for himself, and now he is a proud land owner with plans of building a home in the future.

Customer signing his contract for the land he is purchasing and he will get his deed from the Florida Court house with his land purchase in 90 days

Customer signing his contract for the land he is purchasing and he will get his deed from the Florida Court house with his land purchase in 90 days


Home built by  New York Big Sun Realty and


A look inside the homes being build.


Mr. Miller on location in  one of the homes   in Florida being built by the company he partners with


sarasota-florida-ny-big-sun-realtyA completed house built by  for NY BIG SUN REALTY customers


Real Estate Broker for NY BIG SUN REALTY .. Mr . Phillip Miller give him a call toll free at  866-548-LAND  thats 866-548-5263

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